Fun with U3A
Fun with U3A
As part of u3a week nationwide Easingwold & District u3a organised a Games Afternoon in the Galtres Centre lounge. We had the cake makers, the furniture movers, the bunting stringers, the refreshment organisers, the game bringers and the game players….And of course everyone who came along and joined in the fun afternoon. Plenty of enjoyment going on all round the room. Unfortunately the weather didn’t play ball and we had to cancel the planned outdoor games.
People brought along various games including the ones where we have groups set up within the u3a. Everyone was quickly involved in playing a game – some where experts were teaching complete novices, some where there were refresher courses on the go and some where people were just trying something out of the box. Often people were surprised about the skills required for the game.
Can you identify all the games being played in the photographs?
It was a fun afternoon and would be worth arranging again in the future.